North Andrew will be on SNOW bus routes until further notice.
North Andrew will be on SNOW bus routes until further notice.
Heather Roberts
Blaire Owens
A+ Coordinator
Lumen Specialist
Freshman Class Sponsor
HS Scholar Bowl Assistant Coach
Emily Little
Junior High Assistant Softball Coach
Elementary Student Council Sponsor
Michelle Proffer
Elementary Student Council Sponsor
Foster Care - Point of Contact
Erica Wheeler
School Musical Director
Junior High Scholar Bowl Head Coach
5th & 6th Scholar Bowl Head Coach
Junior High Girls Basketball Head Coach
Sara Knorr
Archery Coach
High School Track Head Coach
Junior High Softball Head Coach
Tyler Goodman
Tammy Atkins
Donna Roush
Tracy Salmons
Mia Silkett
Hannah Pettijohn
Mary Roberts
High School Head Football
Dustin Williams -
+ Strength/Conditioning Coach
(Assistants - Dylan Williams, Nick Morgan)
High School Softball
Tim Miller
Kaylence Cook
Junior High Head Football
Ron Mathias
Football Cheer
Gean Anne Evans -
JH Girls Basketball
Lonee French
JH/HS Head Wrestling
John Riedinger -
(Assistant - Trevor Rush)
High School Assistant Basketball
Spensyr Downing -
Tanner McDaniel -
Basketball Cheer
Gean Anne Evans -
High School Assistant Track
Junior High Assistant Track
Lonee French
High School Assistant Baseball
Colby Hale